One Earth is GEM’s wildlife conservation project, aiming to protect especially the vulnerable species in Africa. We offer awareness and advocacy materials and sessions at schools and community meetings; academic researches on targeted species and their habitats; researches on indigenous knowledge on conservation; researches and project implementation on solutions for humans and wildlife conflict.

Black Panther Leopard Research, Breeding and Conservation

The Black Panther Leopard Research, Breeding, and Conservation Program in Africa, specifically in Zimbabwe, focuses on the preservation and protection of leopard populations in various regions including Matobo, Zambezi Valley, Eastern Highlands, Hwange, and Victoria Falls areas. This program is primarily funded through the proceeds generated from the nature, cultural and wildlife tour sales of Wakambi Travel.

The program aims to conduct extensive research on leopards in these areas and gather data on their population size, distribution, behavior, range and habitat requirements. This research is crucial for understanding the dynamics of leopard populations and implementing effective conservation strategies.

The breeding aspect of the program involves the establishment of captive breeding facilities in order to increase the leopard population and create a genetically diverse and robust population that can be eventually reintroduced into their natural habitats. The program focuses on using scientific techniques to ensure healthy breeding and prevent any negative impacts on the wild population.

Conservation efforts are a core component of the program, which includes promoting awareness about leopards’ ecological importance and the threats they face. Educational programs are conducted to engage local communities, tourists, and schools in understanding the importance of conserving leopards and their habitats. The program also collaborates with local authorities and park rangers to prevent illegal wildlife trade, poaching, and habitat destruction.

In summary, the Leopard Research, Breeding, and Conservation Program in Zimbabwe, funded by the proceeds of the tours to Africa’s magnificent natural environment, aims to protect and conserve leopard populations in various areas. Through scientific research, captive breeding, and community engagement, the program seeks to ensure the long-term survival of these iconic felines and their habitats.

Conservation Efforts

The Leopard Research and Conservation Program prides itself on its multi-faceted approach towards leopard conservation. Researchers tirelessly work to conduct crucial studies on leopard behavior, habitat analysis, and population dynamics. Their findings serve as an essential foundation for effective conservation strategies, ensuring the long-term survival of these elusive creatures.

The program also emphasizes captive leopard breeding programs, aiming to maintain healthy leopard populations. By providing controlled environments, the program contributes significantly to maintaining genetic diversity, enabling sustainability even in the face of potential threats.

Community Involvement

This program recognizes the significance of community involvement in conservation efforts. Donors play a crucial role in supporting the program financially, with their generous contributions directly aiding research, breeding, and conservation activities. In return for their support, donors receive exclusive opportunities to witness these majestic animals up close, creating unforgettable memories.

Merchandise with a Purpose

In addition to the tour proceeds and donations, the Leopard Research and Conservation Program offers a range of merchandise that contributes to the cause. By purchasing program-branded merchandise, visitors not only acquire unique souvenirs but also actively contribute to the conservation efforts. This synergistic approach ensures that both tourists and advocates play a part in protecting the leopard population.

Education and Children’s Books

The program’s commitment to conservation expands beyond research and breeding programs. Understanding the long-term impact education can have, the program actively engages in educational initiatives and publishes captivating children’s books. The sale proceeds from these books provide additional funding for the program. By inspiring and nurturing a love for wildlife in young minds, the program creates a future generation of passionate conservationists.

Through its comprehensive approach to research, breeding, community involvement, merchandise sales, and educational initiatives, the Leopard Research, Breeding, and Conservation Program is undoubtedly a commendable force in safeguarding Africa’s wildlife. The program’s dedication to protecting leopards and other members of the Panthera family ensures that these awe-inspiring creatures continue to roam freely, captivating our imaginations for generations to come. Join us on this incredible journey and make a lasting impact on the conservation of Africa’s wildlife.


Please contact us to learn more about the conservation program. 

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